We keep getting questions about the delivery time. We have gathered a set of 10 delivery time samples from May 2021 until September 2021, which is the current month. We believe this is the best way to present with transparency the expected delivery time. Check below the delivery times. Notice that united States has 2 days and 3 days and 5 days delivery time. Delivery time is not guaranteed, it depends on specific location in a country, on weather conditions and on local delivery circumstances. Another thing to note is that these delivery times show the time interval between shipment date and final delivery. The time interval between the order placement date and the shipment date depends on the Rotrex production line and is usually approximately 1-4 days as mentioned in this post (click here to read it).
Here are the samples.
Pisogne, Italy, 1 day:
Dubai, UAE, 3 days:
Jonkoping, Sweden, 1 day:
Luton, UK, 1 day:
Roma, Italy, 1 day:
Lublin, Poland, 2 days:
Houston, USA, 3 days:
Northeast Indianapolis, USA, 5 days:
Tulsa, USA, 2 days:
Koropi, Greece, 1 day:
We hope that this information helps.